My Top 10 Favorite Female TV Characters

My Top 10 Favorite Female TV Characters

Television has been great in for the development of women in film. Unlike in a movie where a lot of girls are cast as just a love interest, the best friend, or a mother figure, television shows allow us to get to know all of it's characters over many episodes, which allows them to develop more over time. There are many female characters that I love from TV, but this list will just discuss my absolute favorites.

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10 Great Restaurants To Try in L.A.

10 Great Restaurants To Try in L.A.

Since moving to Los Angeles, I have been to many restaurants. My roommate and I love to try out new places to eat, and through much trial and error, we have found quite a few spots that we find ourselves returning to again and again, especially with visitors. So I thought I would share my favorites with you, in case you are new to L.A., visiting, or just looking for a new place to try.

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My Top 10 Favorite TV Episodes of 2017

My Top 10 Favorite TV Episodes of 2017

2017 was such an amazing year in TV, so many great new shows came on the scene, and many returning shows had some epic episodes. There is so much to watch now, that it is honestly impossible to be able to experience all the great moments television has to offer. And coming from someone who did a lot of binging last year, it was hard to narrow down my ten favorite episodes of TV I saw in 2017. From dragon battles, to series finales, to moments that made me cry my eyes out, here were my favorite episodes and moments from last year. 

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My Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2017

My Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2017

This post is coming a little later in January than I would have liked, but hey better late than never right? 2017 was an exceptional year for the movie industry. There were so many advances in the representation of women, people of color, and LGBT roles in film, but also just so many great movies to see. I started out the year with quite the list of ones I was eager to see, and I am proud to report that I got to see pretty much all of them and more! However, of all the movies I saw, some stood out above the rest.

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My Top 10 Things to do in L.A.

My Top 10 Things to do in L.A.

I have been living in Los Angeles for about a year and a half now, and I quite often get asked for advice from people coming out to visit what they should do while they are here. So, I have decided to make a series of blog posts helping you do just that. Each post will focus on different areas of Los Angeles, and give you recommendations for everything from activities, to where to get great Instagram photos, to where to eat. This first post however, will be a complete over view, where I have compiled my top ten things I would recommend doing in L.A. overall. 

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