Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2019

Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2019

2019 has been such a great year for movies. I’m not going to lie, I was pretty disappointed with a lot of the movies we got last year. And when I saw that a lot of the big titles slated for this year were more superhero movies, remakes, and sequels, I started to get discouraged with what the year would have to offer. But this year ended up giving us so many interesting and new types of stories, that by the end of the year, I was having trouble keeping up with them all. Between Netflix, Amazon, Disney Plus, and regular theater releases, there were so many movies I ended up having on my list to see. I was able to see quite a number of them, and while there were many I enjoyed, of course, some stood out above the rest. So here it is, the ten movies I loved the best from the past year.

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Emmy 2019 Predictions

Emmy 2019 Predictions

The 2019 Emmys are right this weekend, and so many people are giving their input on who they think will come out on top this year in the world of television. Since I was able to watch most of the nominees this year, I thought I would throw my opinions into the mix as well. So without further ado here are my predictions for this year’s Emmy Awards. 

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Top 10 Favorite Television Episodes of 2018

Top 10 Favorite Television Episodes of 2018

“You ain't seen nothin' yet. It's gonna be a night we'll never forget.” More like a year of nights we will never forget. This lyric taken from the Riverdale musical episode is only one of the many amazing moments to look back on in television from this past year, because 2018 was truly an amazing year for TV. So many great new shows came on the scene, and many returning shows had some epic episodes. There is so much to watch now, that it is honestly impossible to be able to experience all the great moments television has to offer. And coming from someone who did a lot of binging last year, it was hard to narrow down my ten favorite episodes from 2018. From musicals to series finales to finally finding out the answers to some of TV’s current biggest mysteries, here are my favorite episodes and moments from last year.

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Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2018

Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2018

2018 brought so many great films to the table. Not only did we get two major blockbuster films that represented both people of color and people from the Asian community, but we also got some great female empowerment movies as well. Then of course sprinkle in some musicals, superhero films, and some surprises from Netflix, and it was such an interesting year for movies. I started out the year with quite the list of ones I was eager to see, and I am proud to report that I got to see pretty much all of them and more! However, of all the movies I saw, some stood out above the rest. So here it is, the ten movies I loved the best from the past year.

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2018 Fall TV Recommendations

2018 Fall TV Recommendations

Fall is one of the best times of year for television fanatics. It is usually when the networks are putting out the best of the best in both new and returning programs. If you are like me, you already have your favorite shows programmed in your DVR, have scoped out the fall premieres you want to try out, and are excited for Fall TV Season 2018 to begin. Or, if you are a normal person and you haven't been spending your time researching the fall line-up, you may be overwhelmed by all the great shows out there to watch, so I thought I'd give you my personal list of what I'm excited for this fall.

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2018 Emmy Nomination Predictions

2018 Emmy Nomination Predictions

The 2018 Emmy Nominations are officially out, and so many people are giving their input on who they think will come out on top this year in the world of television. Since I have managed to watch most of the nominees this year, I thought I would throw my opinions into the mix as well. So without further ado here are my predictions for this year’s Emmys. 

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Binge Worthy: One Tree Hill Review

Binge Worthy: One Tree Hill Review

Welcome to my Binge Worthy blog post series. In these posts, I will be taking my favorite shows that have finished their run, and tell you why you should be watching them as well! And if you are already a fan of the show, there will also be a discussion section, where I will be giving my thoughts and opinions on the show as a whole. From season rankings to favorite couples, this discussion section will look at the best and worst parts of each series. Today I will be looking at One Tree Hill

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Summer 2018 TV Recommendations 

Summer 2018 TV Recommendations 

Summer can be a little slow when it comes to TV. Many of the big shows that come out in the fall are filming, and it is mostly a time to catch up on shows you missed through out the year. But that does not mean there are not a few great shows to start and return to, so I thought I'd give you my personal list of what I'm excited for this summer.

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April Favorites

April Favorites

This post will be the first of my monthly favorite recommendations, where I will tell you about products and other things I've been loving from the previous month. I don't think I will do them at the end of every month, probably more like every other, but their main goal will be to give you guys some reviews of products I've been using and loving.

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Movies To Be Excited for In Summer 2018

Movies To Be Excited for In Summer 2018

I have to say, unlike last summer, I'm really excited about this summer's movie line-up. There are so many great looking titles being released in the upcoming months, including documentaries, indie's, giant blockbusters, and everything in between. I think I'm excited about something in almost every genre. To give you an idea of some of the great titles being released this year, I've compiled this list of the 18 I'm most excited to see, and hopefully, there will be some on this list that you get excited for as well!

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