Five Podcasts I'm Currently Loving

Five Podcasts I'm Currently Loving

In the past year or so I have been really getting into listening to podcasts. It started out being on long car rides when I lived in LA, and has continued now on my subway commute to work. I am always looking for new podcasts on various subjects to listen to, so I thought it would be fun to share with you all ones I have recently been loving in case any of you are looking for a new one to start as well! So with out further ado let’s jump on into it.

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Five Apps To Up Your Instagram Game

Five Apps To Up Your Instagram Game

Instagram started out as a way to share pictures of a fun day out with your friends and family. Since then it has become an amazing platform to express creativity, photography, and for businesses to connect with their customers. Whatever you use Instagram for, I think we can all agree it is hard to get tired of seeing all of the beautiful photographs from people all around the world. So if you are looking to up your Instagram game, but don’t know where to start, keep on reading for five of my favorite app recommendations that I use to help me over on the gram.

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Five Fashion Bloggers I'm Currently Loving on Instagram

Five Fashion Bloggers I'm Currently Loving on Instagram

It is probably no secret that I'm a little obsessed with Instagram. I love being able to share my work, and making it a great portfolio option for my design. But when I'm not working on my own feed, I love looking for other creators on the app and getting inspiration from them, especially fashion bloggers. So if you are looking for a few new fashionistas to follow, then here are five that I'm currently loving and being inspired by!

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Industry Spotlight: Mackenzie Anderson Talks About Graphic Design in the Fashion World

Industry Spotlight: Mackenzie Anderson Talks About Graphic Design in the Fashion World

Welcome to my newest post series, Industry Spotlight! This will be the first in a series of posts where I will be highlighting artists, entrepreneurs, designers, influencers, basically anyone and everyone involved in the design/film industry that inspire me. I will be asking them about themselves, their jobs, experiences, and for advice, in the hopes to both help and inspire you. To start things off, I'm so pleased to be interviewing my good friend and former L.A. roommate, Mackenzie Anderson, who is an Art Director at Carbon38. 

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Five Travel Bloggers I'm Currently Loving on Instagram

Five Travel Bloggers I'm Currently Loving on Instagram

So I have a little obsessed with Instagram. I love being able to share my work, and making it a great portfolio option for my design. But when I'm not working on my own feed, I love to find new and inspiring people to follow, especially travel bloggers. I love seeing all of the beautiful imagry they post from around the world, and getting inspiration for my future travels. These are five bloggers who have been inspiring me recently, and hopefully they will inspire you as well!

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Five Artists I'm Currently Loving on Instagram

Five Artists I'm Currently Loving on Instagram

It is probably no secret that I'm a little obsessed with Instagram. I love being able to share my work, and making it a great portfolio option for my design. But when I'm not working on my own feed, I'm checking out all of the amazingly talented artists that I find on the app, and admiring all of their beautiful work. So if you are looking for a few new artists to follow, then here are five that I'm currently loving and being inspired by!

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